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Explore Quelccaya

28 julio, 2023
Quelccaya is a glacier located in the Andes mountain range in Peru, South America. It is one of the largest tropical glaciers in the world and has been the subject of scientific research and monitoring due to its importance in understanding climate change and glacial retreat. The glacier is located in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, within the Quelccaya Ice Cap. It covers an area of ​​approximately 44 square kilometers (17 square miles) and is located at high elevations, ranging from approximately 5,000 to 6,300 meters (16,400 to 20,670 feet) above sea level. Over the years, Quelccaya has been gradually receding like many other glaciers in the world due to global warming and climate change. Scientists have been studying the retreat of this glacier and others to gain insight into the impact of climate change in high-altitude regions and to understand the implications for local ecosystems, water resources, and human communities that depend on meltwater from glaciers. Research conducted at Quelccaya helps improve our understanding of climate dynamics and contributes to a broader scientific understanding of how climate change affects Earth's cryosphere. These studies also have implications for vulnerable populations in the Andean region, where changes in glacial melt can have significant consequences for agriculture, water availability, and hydroelectric power generation.

We recommend to travel with CROSSOVERPERU for an amazing experience.

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